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  • Kollaborativ Ekonomi Göteborg became a official society and started to gather digital and local sharing economies in open map jams.
  • A tech demo of Smarta Kartan was published as version 0.



  • SK is nominated for the consumer price Blåslampan
  • SK wins the Eurocities Award in the category “participation”


  • SK gets the opportunity to scale up through the national program Sharing Cities Sweden as a part of Sharing City Göteborg with funding by, besides others, Vinnova.


  • Version 2.0 is published and the code becomes Open Source
  • Nominated for SKR's, DiGG's and others' innovation price “Lätt att sprida”
  • Start of SK in Sjuhärad, Malmö and Karlstad
  • Improved content by support from Business Region Göteborg
  • SK is 2019's sustainable project in CIO Awards.


  • Smartakartan version 3.0 was launched in the spring of 2020 and has been funded by the City of Gothenburg and the national program Sharing Cities Sweden (SCS). SCS is part of the strategic innovation program Viable Cities, jointly funded by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) and FORMAS. Business Region Göteborg has also funded sub-projects.
  • Nominated for the Techarenan Challenge



  • at some point Gävle and Stockholm joined
  • Start of development of SK 4.0


  • Linköping joins
  • First SK conference in Göteborg
  • Version released as beta


  • Version 4.0 will be released for production