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Who we are

SKWe isbuild the Swedish platform for sharing economy. We thrive for a sustainable and resilient society where people meet and cooperate.
Smartakartan is our flagship and is a map of community initiatives as
well as the entry point to the platform. We are backed by the community
association Kollaborativ Ekonomi Sverige.Sverige. Besides others, it is a think
tank that aspires after and explores solutions for tomorrow's community
in an empirical way. Our vision is a world in which we share and budget our resources. The mission is to bring together people and facilitate a sustainable lifestyle by increasing participation in the local sharing economy.


  • En värld där vi delar och hushåller med våra resurser.


  • Att föra samman människor och underlätta för en hållbar livsstil genom att öka deltagandet i den nära delningsekonomin.